Sunday, 29 April 2012

What are we paying for, anyway?

Everyone who knows me will be able to attest to the fact that I have the body of a God. The God of vanilla lattes, biscuits and a sedentary lifestyle. Armed with this vessel of greatness, I think I can be allowed to pass comment on perhaps the biggest event to hit Britain in 2012 – The Olympics. 

Comprised of 26 sports, The Olympics promises over two weeks of almost non-stop sporty goodness. Britain will be overtaken by thousands of eager tourists who have paid hundreds, if not thousands of pounds for the privilege of watching some live sport that they probably don’t even understand the rules of.
But why have the festivities already appear to have started? I saw a 2012 Olympic games shop in Stansted Airport in September last year. LAST YEAR! I’m sure you’ll all be as pleased as I was that it was entirely devoid of customers, yet stuffed to the brim with stuffed toys of those bizarre mascots of ours. I have no idea what those things are, but the chocolate version of them are delicious. 

However, I have a bigger gripe with the Olympics. I am absolutely sick of everyone trying to tell us how fantastic it is for the country. One of their biggest arguments for this is how children will be inspired to take part in sport. I was threatened with detention for a month if I didn’t actively take part in my twice-weekly PE lessons and yet I still managed to go and find a tree to hide behind twice a week.  Children aren’t inspired to play more sport by seeing their country being overtaken by Olympic fever in the same way that they’re not inspired to go and steal cars and pick up prostitutes after playing Grand Theft Auto. I have a bit of an idea though – while Britain is gripped in what is too frequently described as an ‘obesity epidemic’, how about we don’t make the official sponsors of the games McDonalds, Cadburys, and Coca Cola? I might not be athletically inclined, but I’m pretty sure the people competing didn’t get where they are today by shovelling that stuff down their throats. How about using the games as an opportunity to help improve nutritional standards, and not just further profits of three major trans-national companies? 

I also take issue with how we’re all supposed to be impressed with the regeneration of East London. Now, I originally hail from south London myself, and I can attribute to the fact that London is quite a long way away from Swansea. Yet despite this, and the fact that the majority of us will never get to get anywhere near these new facilities, we’re still paying for it. 

And this is my last major complaint – the cost. So far, estimates for the whole cost of the games are around £24 billion, including public transport upgrades. Do you realise quite how much that could buy you? That’s 12 billion cider and blacks in JC’s, or 60 million new iPads. The best part is that all the private sponsors have disappeared, leaving the government to cough up for the entirety of it. I think it’s incredibly unfair that we’re all paying through the nose for something that we only wanted so that the French didn’t get it, especially at a time of recession. 

Simply put, the Olympics is expensive, we’re surrounded by propaganda, and if you dared to have had a baby after having bought your tickets, don’t try and bring it with you, because you won’t be allowed. Yet there is one silver lining on this grey cloud of misery – whenever I see the official logo, all I can see is Lisa Simpson doing something naughty, and that can only improve my day. 

MTV's The Valleys: a review.

When I was an innocent child, I was plucked from the normality of south London, and brought into the land known as the south Wales valleys. Twelve years later, I’m still adapting, but whenever someone asks, I’m proud to say that being a valleys girl is lush. Phenomenal, in fact (hint, that last bit should be said in the strongest valleys accent that you can muster).

So it is with great disgust that I find MTV are out to humiliate yet again. I can near guarantee that Essex has not benefitted from ITV’s The Only Way is Essex, nor has Newcastle’s reputation been vastly improved by Geordie Shore.  All that MTV is achieving with this travesty of faux-reality television is embarrassing the places where these people live, and turning the characters into parodies of real human beings.  

It isn’t even as if I’m a reality television snob – Jeremy Kyle is incredibly ego-boosting, and don’t even get me started on how much I love BBC3’s Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents and Don’t Tell the Bride – I just don’t want to see another group of people becoming fodder for trash magazines. When looking at the Twitter feed for the show (@MTVTheValleys), the majority of it seems to be plastic looking girls excitedly blathering on about how they’ve submitted their applications. What happened to real ambition that doesn’t involve five minutes of fame or becoming a WAG?  It’s perhaps the fake Twitter account that gets it right when it comes to what the reactions will be, asking for ‘wannabe glamour models with bad hair extensions’ to get in touch.  

Do you know what? If you want to know what the valleys are like, watch Gavin and Stacey. Everyone here’s got an Uncle Bryn and a Doris living next door. But even if you haven’t, ask me nicely and I’ll do my Nessa impersonation for you; that’ll be far more entertaining than any embarrassing programme MTV could ever come up with. 

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Problem with Equalities Officers: my response.

The problem with being a feeble woman sometimes is that we're always a bit of a slave to our emotions. We are far too obvious. You all know what I mean - when something's wrong with a man, they tend to shrug it off and work through it. When something's wrong with a woman, you will know about it. You will definitely know about it.

So it's with this logic that I present to you that we all knew I'd writing this blog post the second Eleri came out and wrote a little blog post on the Students' Union website, explaining why the best change that could happen to the SU would be wrong.

But before I can continue, I need to lay down some groundwork to explain myself.
Clearly, I am female. I am a straight female. Although I don't technically affiliate myself to any political party right now (this is a point that I may explore in another blog post at some point, but only once I've had some gin and I'm angry), I'm far more leftwing than people may expect of me. I believe in big government and state provided services that support people, not punish them for being of a different class, gender or ethnic group. I believe wholeheartedly in Keynesian economics, and I'd love to have afternoon tea with Gideon Osbourne; by afternoon tea, I mean that I'd like to bash him over the face repeatedly with a brick until he learnt economics. Or his face became unrecognisable and full of mush.

What I'm trying to get at is that firstly, it is not just my peers who vote Conservative that hold this view. I come from a household where I've grown up reading The Guardian and my mother has worked in the third sector all my life, having gone to university because the state used to provide decent grants. I know how unfair the benefits system is. I know how ridiculous the laws on Legal Aid and basics like divorce are - this isn't just because I've sat there and read about it, I've dealt with it myself. This isn't a sob story, this is an explanation that sometimes, a progressive, reformist, lefty such as myself can want change that might shake things up a bit. This is particularly true of universities and students' unions, which I feel should be representative of developments within society. By maintaining the post of women's officer in place of redeveloping it into the post of equalities officer, we are failing at this.


Let's play my favourite game: Why is Eleri so wrong (again)? It's a game for all the family.

1. "During our recent Students’ Union Elections, I was disappointed to see that out of the 4 candidates standing for the position of Women’s Officer, 2 stated their wish to change the role from Women’s Officer to Equalities Officer."


2. "Now, this change in job title, despite what students may have been told – is not one which can be made by a single person anyway, even if they happen to be the person who wins the Election. It would be undemocratic and wrong for a single person to do so."

Oh Eleri. I understand. It's difficult to change. There's a tonne of lobbying that would need to be done. Lots of consulting. A referendum to be undertaken... But guess what? That wouldn't put me off. I'd see it as a delicious challenge, just as those two candidates would have, too. Yes, you may have support from your fellow officers, but they are also subject to our scrutiny, and should be fulfilling the wishes of the student population - for what it's worth, I'd like to request that we can have pandas on campus and some frappes from JCs that actually have coffee in. A frappe is NOT a glorified milkshake.

3. "I am currently the only Full-time Women’s Officer in Wales, and one of only 6 in the UK. This is not because the role is outdated or unnecessary, but because of the failings of our media, rife institutionalised sexism, and because unfortunately, although it is 2012 – women’s rights and their representation is under constant and continuous attack."

Arguable. Yes, the world is a sexist place; women constantly receive the short straw, but lets have some context, shall we?
It is constantly argued that women are underpaid in Britain. The main reason for this? Women perform the vast majority of care, even when we're working full time, which may require time off from work. This is unfair, but it's just what happens. Also, I'm not entirely sure if you're all aware, but women have wombs. These wombs are usually used as excuses for why we're angry for around a week a month, but they can also be used to grow babies. Having said baby is not something that you can do whilst you're in your office, so you have to take time off work for that too. Then what happens is that women decide they want to actually bond with and care for said defenceless offspring. This requires more time off. In case you hadn't all realised, you don't get different pay scales for men and women advertised in job listings, it is simply that women have fulfilled their biological criteria. I am aware that this opinion makes me sound like I don't care about this issue - I do, I just don't care for the constant battle cries of "we're underpaid!" If you take a break in your career, you can't expect to get back into it as quickly. If a man took six months off from his career, I can guarantee he'd earn less, too.

4. "One of the advantages of Students’ Unions having a Women’s Officer (especially if she is employed Full-time), is that half of their students receive proper representation. If an SU Sabbatical Team implements a Women’s Officer, they ensure that at least one member of the team leading the Union is a woman. With Equalities Officers, the role is invariably non gender-specific which means it’s more likely, statistically – to have a man in post."

I'm sorry, but am I reading this right? What I think this is trying to get across is 'we need equality!' but what I'm actually getting from this is 'men can't do it like women can!'. I can understand that it would be ridiculous to have a disabled students officer who wasn't disabled, the same way that an LGBT officer should identify as one of those categories so as to be able to relate. However, attaining equality is not gender specific, and I think it's unfair to say that women's issues would be ignored just because it may be a man in post who is also tasked with identifying issues for other students who may be discriminated against.

5. "Here at Swansea, we are lucky to have 5 Liberation Officer Positions. These include: (Full-time) Women’s Officer, (Part-time) LGBT Officer (Women’s Place), LGBT Officer (Open Place), Students with Disabilities Officer and Black Students Officer."

I, and others I have spoken to on the subject, all believe that the Students with Disabilities Officer and the Black Students Officer should not be part-time positions. If we have a full-time Women's Officer, does this not then establish that women are of more importance than these other two categories? This then brings up the argument of perhaps there should be a part-time position for men. Yes, I understand how this may be an abhorrent thought for many, but honestly, what about those men who have issues that a woman may not understand? Who are they to turn to? 

6. "Currently, only 21% of Student Union Presidents are women. Only 38% of Sabbatical Officers overall are women, despite women making up over half of University students... In our recent SU Elections, discounting the 4 women running for Women’s Officer, we were left with 4 women running in our elections, against 18 men."

 Oh why oh why is this so? Perhaps it's because a lot of us have a lot better things to do with our lives than want to get paid to get angry and write weird blogs for a living, wait... What? I have seen this argument on so many different topics; engineering and science students, the numbers of female MPs and judges... Have people realised that perhaps the problem is that we just don't want to do it? Woman are biologically, and mentally different to men, perhaps part of this issue is just that we don't feel the need to go out there and parade ourselves in the public spotlight. As for MPs - why have people not realised that attempting any semblance of family life with such a job is impossible? The second a man leaves a family for the majority of the week to work as an MP, he's applauded. If a woman does it, she's hailed as some kind of ball-breaking freak.

And lastly...

7. "Changing Women’s Officers into Equalities Officers is not only a naïve, ridiculous and sexist move, but is a giant step back for the women’s movement for equality, and reduces support for Liberation campaigns. We need Full-time Women’s Officers in every single Union, in order to support, represent and fight for the women who are so often marginalised or forgotten about entirely."

Changing the role is none of these things. We are not marginalised or forgotten about, and whilst women make up more than 50% of the university population, we won't be. However, it is incredibly unfair to discount the changes that so many of us are calling for. 

(All parts in italics were taken from

There were several options I had for this blog post. I know of problems that have occurred doing this officer's term of office that I have chosen not to refer to in the interests of not getting too personal, especially when it comes to this country's fabulous libel laws. 

In short, I remain true to my previous post's point on this topic, whereby I established that despite my beliefs, I do not believe Eleri represents me effectively. Nor do I believe that whilst the Women's Officer post is effective, she could ever. We need to change this post, not only to represent everyone in the university to the same extent, but to represent the changes in society, and the law, that have occurred.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Students are a disgrace, and several other things I'd like to clean up.

The South Wales Evening Post recently received this letter, from our very own Disgruntled, Swansea.

"MY wife and I frequently go through Swansea University campus, either to visit the Taliesin or by bus on our way to and from town.
Six months ago the large lawn in front of Fulton House had to be re-turfed after marquees had been sited there, turning it into a ploughed field.
 Re-laying the lawn must have cost the university thousands of pounds.
The university attracts young people from all over the world.
What, I wonder, do these foreign visitors think of our propensity to throw litter everywhere?
During the recent very hot weather the lawn has been a disgrace, on occasions it has been ankle deep in litter with students lying among the debris.
Also, litter is strewn all around the campus again costing the university thousands of pounds to clear.
Other people have expressed their disgust at the mess created by students, especially as there are plenty of litter bins everywhere.
These students are the future of our country.
Why do they show such contempt for their university campus and for the environment in general?
It does not bode well for the future.
Surely the university could take disciplinary action against some of these litter louts?
There are plenty of CCTV cameras everywhere. If a few of them were suspended or fined the others might not be so lax in their habits.
M R Stroud"
(Taken from:

 Oh, I do love a good angry member of the community story!

Firstly, why is Mr Stroud quite so upset that we had to re-turf the front lawn after the freshers' marquee was taken down? Would he rather that the university left it as a swamp? I know that the budget for science related subjects is the only one to be saved, but giving them their own swamp to use for research purposes seems a little over the top. Anyway, there's enough pond life to analyse in Swansea.

Also, I think Mr Stroud is a little confused as to how much some new turf actually costs. Doing my own research - because I'm a proper grown up these days, I can use Google!* - I've found that actually, it wouldn't cost anything like as much as Mr Stroud proposes. Oh no, at Homebase you can get 60 square metres of 'Classic Fresh Turf' for a very reasonable £225! And Nectar card points too! Now I know that there would have to be labour costs for ripping up the old turf, disposing of it, and making sure the new stuff doesn't just disintegrate, but this is what social science students are for - we've nothing to do. I have six contact hours a week and a high score on Mario Kart Wii. Are you understanding me? I've got time to kill.

Speaking of the front lawn, I can't be the only one with mental images of students making rubbish angels, in amongst the 'ankle deep' litter? Quite a lot of things are ankle deep, Mr Stroud, unless you have ridiculous proportions. Yes, the fact that people can't be bothered to take home their litter is incredibly annoying, but I do wish people wouldn't embellish unnecessarily. It was hardly the aftermath of Reading festival out there.

As for the rest of campus - where are all of these rubbish bins and CCTV cameras? I would argue that there aren't enough bins on campus, and the ones in front of Fulton are regularly filled to the brim. Perhaps a few more wouldn't hurt.

Leaving your cider can behind does not mean that the future of the country is at threat, Mr Stroud. I'd argue that it's our binge drinking culture and lack of employment opportunities for when we graduate.

On a more serious note (yes, I have these occasionally), I'd like to remind us all that it is our responsibility to keep things clean and tidy, not just on campus, but on our streets. Walking home amongst discarded bin bags because you can't remember what colour bin bag week it is, is disgusting. If you get it wrong, take it back in, don't leave it in the street to distribute bin juice all over the pavement. As much as I appreciate the teams of students who go out and clean up our streets for us, they shouldn't have to be doing it in the first place, you lazy sods.

Other things I'd like to clean up:
Swansea University, I love you. I really do. But oh gosh do we suck this year. How many times have we been in the national press this academic year?
  • Posters on how to use toilets:
  • Bitey exam lady:
  • Racist Tweeter gets his comeuppance:
Incredible, guys. Just incredible. Would it kill some of you to save some kittens from trees or something?

And now, to cheer us up, here's a miniature turtle booping a grape with his miniature turtle nose:

*Seriously guys, have you heard of Google? It's INCREDIBLE. You can find stuff out FOR YOURSELF, meaning you don't have to go and post a stupid status on Facebook asking ridiculous questions! Just put the question that you were going to waste said status on into the Google search bar and boom! Answers!